
Dominatrix on Trial: Bedford vs. Canada

by Terri-Jean Bedford

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Wow!! Dominatrix on Trial - What a Book!! by a posted September 19, 2011
Rating: ***** 5 Stars

I want to recommend Dominatrix on Trial, by Terri-Jean Bedford. Her story is moving and maddening by turns. She takes us through her heartbreaking childhood and young years of prostitution and drugs, and having a child amidst all this. She tells us about jail. She tells us about a trip through the justice systems that is scarcely believable, were it not for my visit to the Internet to verify who she was and what she said happened. She tells us about her trials in the court system over a 15 year period and the extraordinary collection of people who rallied to her.

The book reads very well despite its exhaustive detail. I can believe her when she says she wrote it at various periods since 1994. There were times when I could not put it down.

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